What is Bullying?
"Bullying" is defined within PCSC's Anti-Bullying Policy (C200), which is available HERE. We believe the additional explanation and examples shared below provide even more clarity about what constitutes bullying.
Bullying is the ongoing and intentional misuse of power in relationships. It involves repeated verbal, physical, or social actions aiming to cause harm. Bullies exploit power imbalances, using tactics like demeaning comments, violence, aggression, intimidation, cyberbullying, and abuse. Notably, bullying is characterized by its continuous and one-sided nature, impacting the victim's mental health.
For example, two young people engaged in an argument, on a level playing field, isn't necessarily bullying. On the other hand, an older or bigger child intimidating a smaller or younger child, on an ongoing basis, is bullying.
Complete the form below to report incidents of bullying or other student safety concerns to your building principals.
These concerns may include, but are not limited to: any threats to student safety, bullying/cyberbullying, and mental health crises.
You can choose to include your name, if you are willing to discuss this concern with administration. If you do not include your name, the tip will remain anonymous.
Bullying Prevention Resources
The Indiana Department of Education provides resources on their website for schools and families. These pages are linked below.
Research shows that parents, school staff, and adults within the community can stop bullying behavior over time by responding quickly and consistently when it occurs, sending the message that it's unacceptable. We can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and working together.
Fingerprint for Success: Causes of Bullying